Reporting for Duty

We are pleased to say that, since launching this website, we’ve received a number of compliments regarding the usefulness of the information provided on how to report the various types of incident associated with the presence and expansion of Royal Holloway.

One success story that we’ve heard of recently concerns the perennial cluster of estate agent placards that marred the road sign at Greenacre Court in Englefield Green.

A noticeable difference

Following the advice on our website, a small number of residents reported this particular eyesore to the Planning Enforcement department of RBC and the signs were subsequently removed.

‘Well, so what?’ we hear you say.

This may seem like a trivial case but it is symptomatic of a bigger issue.

It is now widely recognised that the expansion of Royal Holloway has resulted in many family homes being converted into student HMOs which has not only changed the demographics of our communities but also the appearance: in many cases the HMOs are owned by absent landlords and neither these, nor the student occupants, have much interest in the appearance of the HMO or its garden.

Another symptom though, is that because the occupants are transient and the properties are constantly being re-marketed, the estate agent placards tend to get left in place on a permanent basis – and most are not pretty!

Fortunately, there are laws covering the duration over which such placards may remain in place but breaches are unlikely to be enforced by RBC’s Planning Enforcement department unless they are made aware of them.  So, if you see any placards that have become an eyesore, please take a minute to report them using our guidance and help to maintain the appearance of our communities.

If you have any issues with reporting these incidents or any stories relating to the expansion or presence of Royal Holloway then please let us know by e-mailing: